1 breakthrough business opportunity

Velmistr Radan Chrobok/ 7 října, 2022/ Finance, Naše Učení

Investing in us would be truly a breakthrough business!:) Because we are an absolutely unique organization!:) We are just 1 company on Earth, which is joining the longest-built Teachings (traditional) with the newest research and technologies.

Zen tarot 11 - průlom.
Zen tarot 11 – průlom.
Our graphically presented marketing methods.
Our graphically presented marketing methods.

Our „operating program“ in the present time – even now it is Breakthrough!:)

We are non-profit company. But we are offering super Services and perfect Products. Therefore even with these settings, our organisation is more than self-sustaining. And we are even generating interesting income for each of our Teachers and so on.

Therefore we are sure, that with enough investment (see next chapter) we will be able to change it to PRETTY PROFITABLE BUSINESS!:)

Yoga Teaching – including Leading (showing exercises and techniques). Also with PSYCHOLOGY and even Spirituality. We have super exercises for enhancing concentration, relaxation (meditation), memory, etc.

Jnanayoga – knowledge Way (our most beloved Way of Teaching and helping in self Development).

Karma Yoga – work Way. With this, anyone is able to be Yogi even at work…

Bhakti Yoga – serve Way. With this any good service is considered doing Yoga including Step(s) on the Way to Enlightenment and even full Liberation!

Tantra – as above and even with massages, expressional dancing (very good for wellbeing!:)).

Well-being – general advisory about healthy food, drinks, stretching – exercises. Also diet(s) made especially for the target person. And finally full well-being personal and Spiritual!

Psychology – from basic advisory, through analysis of personality (very important to know!) and longer consulting up to full-grown teaching.

Martial arts (also as above) – especially (secret!) Ninjutsu („Hidden techniques“). With this, you will be able to defend yourself or another person(s) or object(s) even without being seen as fighting. Therefore even after a fight you will have no problem with laws!

Spirituality – from basic advisory, through baptizing or even the level of Bishop with us!:)) Up to Enlightenment and even Full Liberation!:) Nothing higher exists…

Spiritual Yoga – see the first point… Our main aim is to help our Students to have Well-being (see above), Enlightenment (understanding yourself and the true Self, understanding God and even the whole Universe), and even full Liberation (as Enlightenment and also being out of Karma – Law of action and reaction and being able o live in Heaven on Earth – see the last chapter)! Naše Učení je vyšší dimenzí nad tím, co sdělují jen vědy či pouhá náboženství. Zen – you can become master of your mind and not stay in suffering…

Basic Hinduism – is connected with Yoga (see above).

Clear Christianity – Lutheran religion.

Bojové umění v DMDU (*Změň svůj přístup. Změň svůj postoj. a protivník si to rozmyslí.*).
Bojové umění v DMDU (*Změň svůj přístup. Změň svůj postoj. a protivník si to rozmyslí.*).

What (business) we will be doing depending on the size of the investment and what ROI we are guaranting.

From just our Grandmaster who then (after enough investment) would leave his job and do this (see above) as FULL-TIME SERVICES AND PRODUCTS MAKING through all of us then (after enough investment) would do the same – so more places will be needed (we are not in the same town) – up to full grown School even as UNIVERSITY with Gym (big letter means also Higher, Spiritual meaning)!

So the ROI would be at least like from genial GYM, through from special STUDIO up to from ultimate UNIVERSITY WITH BRANCHES and so on!

If you like to see a number, we can guarantee you at least 9% interest after each year. We would most like a one-time investment (like lending money) when we will pay 10% monthly 11 times. So the investor would get back the whole investor money plus 10% profit after just 11 months from the time of the investment!

Even Covid did not take us down!

Our special offer above is just financial ROI.

We can help also any investor and even anyone who will be invited by the investor to learn practical psychology, self-defense, Enlightenment, and even full Liberation! Even if someone will die sooner than reached Enlightenment or even full Liberation, we can „at least“ ensure that such a person will go to heaven – and then will be reasonably reincarnated. And even if someone started at a higher age, still we can help such a person to live in Heaven on Earth – also as is mentioned in the song „Heaven is place on Earth“ (Belinda Carlisle). Please understand, that This is above any money!

Please consider our offer and contact us if interested!

Become our sponsor or even a full-fledged partner!:)

If you will sponsor us with at least 100 000,- CZK (estimated prize for full SEO of this web, which will be our Grandmaster´s highest payment for this hobby so far), we will accept you as a full-fledged partner and not just „under“ the person who accepted you as investor, customer or Student. Then we will guarantee you all the psychological and Spiritual Incomes which are mentioned in the previous chapter. You can do that by giving a contract for being able to deduct it from your tax payment. Also, if you INVEST enough large sum of money, we will accept you as a partner. We are known for our helpfulness – hospitality. Oko - srdce (ilustrační obrázek ke cvičení Oko srdce).

Four views of reality (*Information is just bits of data. Knowledge is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending them.* - Ram Dass).
Four views of reality (*Information is just bits of data. Knowledge is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending them.* – Ram Dass).

Please consider our offer and contact us if interested!


About Velmistr Radan Chrobok

Ahoj (Ad HOnorem Jesus - na počest Ježíše)!:) Tento pozdrav byl původně používán loděmi, když se potkaly na své cestě po moři. Tak mi dovolte, abych Vás zavedl na cestu vašeho života, která může začít, pokud se ke mně připojíte jako Źák(yně) nebo dokonce spolupracovník / spolupracovnice. Jmenuji se Radan Chrobok, což znamená "Přinášitel radosti" a "Svatý Skarab válící kouli Slunce". Ujišťuji vás, že žiji podle tohoto svého jména a dalších jmen i titulů, které jsem získal. Jsem Velmistr v následujících oborech: Nepřímé bojového umění Ninpo (jenž je součástí Ninjutsu), duchovní Jóga a Tantra, kterážto se ve skutečnosti více týká vztahů než sexuality. Jakožto duchovní Velmistr se specializuji na oblast psychiky - zejména na její podvědomou část známou jako Id, která má zvířecí vlastnosti. Takže jsem též expert na psychologii. Moje duchovní jméno je Shri Satguru Traraja, v překladu "Ctěný pravý Mistr Král Osvobození (i komunikace)". Jakožto Velmistr Ninpo jsem Judan Ninpo Daishi se získaným jménem Suzumetaka. To se překládá jako nejvyšší, desátý stupeň Ninpo, které je nepřímým bojovým uměním patřícím do Ninjutsu, zatímco "daishi" znamená Velmistr a "Suzumetaka" je vrabec a jestřáb dohromady, anglicky sparrow a hawk, čili sparrowhawk což je krahujec. To znamená, že žiji skromně jako vrabec, avšak ve všem, co mne zajímá, jsem aktivní a úspěšný jako jestřáb. Vlastním a vedu šikovnou Školu: Dokonalá DMDU, https://DMDU.kvalitne.cz