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Statements (not just opinions) of „nuke impact“ – 25

This is a web post with „nuke impact“ statements including explanations when I thought that was needed.

With still some war (or *at least* terrorism) ongoing, we never know when real nukes will start exploding. This nuke blast is illustrational picture for web post with *nuke* statements.
With still some war (or *at least* terrorism) ongoing, we never know when real nukes will start exploding. This nuke blast is illustrational picture for a web post with *nuke* statements.

Please understand that as a (not just) SPIRITUAL GRANDMASTER I have HUGE knowledge.

I know much especially about the soul (psyche), God / Higher consciousness, the Truth which is also behind nature (for example WHY genders were made!) and so on. Therefore I am presenting the following expert and also Authoritative statements. PLEASE SHARE THIS WEB POST AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, BECAUSE IT CAN BE SAVING LIVES AND EVEN SOULS!:)

Statements about a human life

  1. Suicide is murder but because psychological problem(s), no punishment in this world should be done. The suicider should get psychotherapy for free – and social support (including payments) if needed. But in case of lethal illness (double-checked with other medical facilities), euthanasia should be allowed (for free). Your life was just borrowed by to you by God. Nobody has the right to just trash it (also see below point 2.)!
  2. Abortion is murder and should be banned worldwide! This means at least that if a pregnant woman gets an abortion in another country, she still should face court in her home country. Abortion should be allowed only when a mother´s life is in lethal danger.
  3. In the case of rape, the raped one (including a man) should be allowed to get appropriate psychotherapy paid by the rapist. And the rapist should go to jail and to psychotherapy because of it. The soul sometimes can be ready to be born even before the first sexual contact!
  4. Child-care payments should be raised and not counted against other social payments. Because child-care payments belong to the child, not to the mother. If a father left the mother and child or more children and he does not sending the alimony, he should be put in jail with forced work and paying that way!
  5. Any abuse of religious / faith power (beginning from manipulation, through sexual abuse and ending with terrorism) should be looked for and punished much more severely!

More compensations of the anti-abortion statements

  1. Fathers out of marriadge should be made MUCH more responsible for UP TO HALF OF THEIR PROPERTIES INCLUDING ANY FUTURE INCOME. Including unofficial income if such is witnessed. That money BELONGS TO THE MOTHER. Or to more mothers in case of more women became mothers because of that one father. Then the father have to share half of his income and minimally he should be giving some minimum payments for which any father should be responsible.
  2. There should be MUCH more sex education including psychosexuality (including teaching how to recognize psychological manipulation – see below point 3.).
  3. Critical thinking (!) including recognizing any informational or psychological manipulation.
  4. Conversation – respective negotiation (especially for DISARMING CHARGED SITUATION), anger management, and self-defense especially for women from basic school should be mandatory.

Statements about jobs, criminality, politics and LGBT+

  1. Jobs which are reasonably open for both genders should have gender-independent payments!
    1. The jobs which should be reasonably open just for women should be paid better (especially child care).
  2. Just imprisoning a criminal is not enough  then where is the repayment?! Forced work in jails should be added.
  3. The voting right and any political or judge job should be given just to people who will pass the critical thinking test and false argumentation test (it should be done in two tests as driving license, so let’s call it VOTING LICENSE).
  4. Any abuse of political power (stating from a „just“ corruption) should be looked for and punished much more severely!
  5. LGBT+ people should be TOLERATED, but JUST THAT. They should NOT BE ALLOWED TO SAINT MARRIADGES NOR TO BE CHILDREN CAREGIVERS. But in case of partner inheritance they should have full rights. God made men and WO_men for Serious reasons. There are no more naturally developed genders. Do not mess with the nature! If you feel uncomfortable with your gender (or if you even have a vagina together with a penis or if you have no sexual organ), then you much more need an appropriate PSYCHOTHERAPY to get used to your gender and associated sexual organ than any sex surgery! There are JUST TWO GENDERS and two associated sex organs – even the EXTREMELY RARE people with both or none of the sexual organs can be determined as women or men (genetically). If you have problem with acceptance of the sexuality which is naturally – for breeding – associated with your gender, then you need an appropriate psychotherapy!
LGBT+ person doesn't fit in nature - for breeding - society!:( Also the LGBT+ person's unacceptance of naturally born gender means, that the person is not psychologically healthy!
LGBT+ person doesn’t fit in nature – for breeding – society!:( Also the LGBT+ person’s unacceptance of naturally born gender means, that the person is not psychologically healthy!

The whole new agenda should be banned!

Statements about civil service, army and ecology

  1. Civil or army service (anyone should choose one) should be mandatory (at least 2 / 1 year) – especially for surviving skills and helping others (see the next point).
  2. First aid, at least basic self-defense, survival skills, and psycho-hygiene – respective full featured well-being (!) – should be mandatory, beginning in basic school.
  3. Any abuse of the ecosystem (beginning with unallowed trash places) should be punished more severely and it should be resolved ASAP. Ecology as a school subject should be mandatory from basic school up to universities (and it should be connected with survival skills – see the previous point).

Skills which should be taught from basic schools above

  1. Critical thinking – as already explained above.
  2. Negotiating – as already explained above. Including training for ability to making and upkeeping healthy relationships.
  3. At least self-defense or even full featured Martial art(s).
  4. Ecology – survival sub-subjects: Gardening (including composting – see below point 3. and nature fridge building – see below point 3.).
  5. Animal taming, training, and caring (connected with the Gardening above).
  6. Cooking (both genders!), baking (including bread-making), and even basic Chemistry for this task (preservation and even alcohol making).
  7. Recycling – reusing (connected with the Gardening above), repairing (! – both genders!) at least clothes, basic car and flat, and even house maintenance. ELECTRICITY AND EVEN ALSO HEAT+COLD MAKING (underground water finding, water from air getting, well digging, water + wind turbine assembling, nature fridge building…).
  8. Electronics (from security sensors to computer assembling) and Computers for nature (irrigation programming, satellite searching – maps and weather forecast getting, etc.). THIS MEANS THAT ENGLISH LANGUAGE (because it is the most common one) SHOULD BE LEARNED before…

You can CONTACT ME HERE. Grandmaster Radan Chrobok – Shri Satguru Traraja (= Honored Grandmaster „King of Liberation“).

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