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1st reason for TTRPGs gaming

The reason for this web post is also my introduction, especially for TTRPG colleagues (GMs and players).

1. How I found TTRPGs and reason why (and how) I played them

When I was a child (before middle school started in 1994), I have a special system for TTRPG which was similar to DnD which I learned far later (04/2021). Its name means „Dragon´s lair“ (https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dra%C4%8D%C3%AD_doup%C4%9B). From the start, I could play just with my younger brother. But then I found other players and we made at least a small group from time to time.

But because I was the asking and organizing one, I was nearly forced me to be GM. I was NEVER before now (04/2021) a player!;( But I was enjoying even the harder side of that game – preparing plots, NPC, monsters, traps, dungeons, etc.

When I was GMing I was able to see much more from my friends‘ psyche, which interested me and it was one of the reasons why I selected psychology for further study. I got into university in 1998 and finished it with PhD. in Development Psychology and ThD. in Oriental philosophies and religions (2005). So in that time of such study, I had nearly no time to play, resp GM. Then some serious jobs took time for me too.

2. How and which knowledge about the fact that TTRPGs are good for self-development and as psychotherapy tools I got

Even in university, TTRPGs were nearly not taught as psychotherapy tools nor as self-development:(. But at least I got some intel about that topic. Mainly the hopefully famous FACTOR S, which means that what was even just SIMULATED (theatre play but also just a computer game) has the tendency to have influence in REAL LIFE. This is at least for me answer NO to the question if kids may even just see violent movies…

Grandmaster Radan Chrobok as a TTRPG hero (Ormrin Sinkalte Ged - as the hero wizard form *Wizard from Earthsea*, Ursula Le Guin).
Grandmaster Radan Chrobok as a TTRPG hero (Ormrin Sinkalte Ged – as the hero wizard form *Wizard from Earthsea*, Ursula Le Guin).

3. What (and how) I am playing now – 2021 (online beginning in the 4th month)

Finally, I found low pay but nearly no work JOYFUL JOB as just a security worker – so from now (04/2021). My Spiritual Teaching and psychotherapy is now just on a charity basis which together with this just security job means, that I can have just a low lifestyle. I have huge time to play online even at my job. But it was hard to find games that I like to play.

Finally (from 04/2021) I am playing in a few play-by-post games as a player and I am GMing my game – see https://www.rolegate.com/eldorado-apocalypse-world-but-more-friendly. In 05/2021 I even booked PAID adventure as a player – one play-by-post (PBP). See https://startplaying.games/upcoming-adventures/627879a0bf3cfd3543b3a157?session=627879c3de66fb5733b87dbf (PBP, Apocalypse World – http://apocalypse-world.com). After finish, I will share my experiences!:)

EDIT (new – 05/2021)…: I got a recommendation for GROK?! (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/395261) game (very low-level rules:)) which looks better as a therapy tool. After a least some time of playing it (PBP, in Rolegate.com) I will share my experiences with it! Also, I saw „10 secrets how to be a better player“ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVjcZMkfoDY) and 10 for GMs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVko-Jl91M8), which both I am recommending.

Reason why drows are australians.
Reason why drows are australians.

4. What do I want or at least hope to achieve

Play (including GMing) for fun – why not? But also to find how to use my favorite (best-known) TTRPGs as psychotherapy tools. Maybe I have a „bad choice“ with AW, because one of the game makers, Meguey posted (mainly for me), that such a system is even against therapy usage. I at least partially agree. EDIT: I mostly agree. But it is still tempting for me – I hope, that I can find a way how to use ať least the Moves philosophy…

For example, I imagine using some tempting scenario but rather without MISDIRECT or even RESPOND WITH FUCKERY to test my client’s inner strength or at least how strong he is against alcohol – after normal talk therapy and even one month in a psychiatric hospital (detoxication pavilion) where I recommended one my friend and client together to go.

5. Reason WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN ME as a player or invite me as GM. And the reason why you should become my (Yoga) Student.

For fun – why not? For pure interest in how good GM a psychotherapist can be – hopefully GOoD!:) But the best reason would be serious interest in self Development!:)

You can CONTACT ME HERE. Grandmaster Radan Chrobok – Shri Satguru Traraja (= Honored „true Master“ „Lord of Liberating“).


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